Meet the referee: West Ham v Boro

Last updated : 22 October 2005 By Reggie Holdsworth
Steve Bennett (Kent)
b. 17/1/1961

Mr Bennett is now one of our most experienced referees having started on the Football League list in 1995. He was promoted to the Premier League list in 1999 and has officiated in well over 100 Premier League games since.

Domestically, the top games that he has taken charge of include the 2003 Division 1 Play-off Final between Wolves and Sheffield United and the 2005 Carling Cup Final between Chelsea and Liverpool.

He was promoted to the FIFA list in 2001 and has numerous Champions League, UEFA Cup and international matches under his belt.

Last season he booked 169 players in 42 games (over 4 per game) and sent off 10. This season so far he has booked 41 players in 12 games and sent off 3. It is the first time that he has been in charge of a Boro game this season.