I just called to say I'm sorry

Last updated : 24 October 2005 By Sarah Rudd
Steve McClaren today received an apology from the man who handed West Ham their 2 – 1 win over Boro on Sunday.

Ralph Bone, the assistant referee phoned the Middlesbrough boss, expressing his apologies after watching it on TV and realising he had made a “horrendous error”.

Bone flagged for a goal after Mark Schwarzer saved a Chris Riggott deflection off the line, sending the Hammers into a two goal lead.

“I’ve had a call from the assistant referee apologising profusely,” McClaren told the Evening Gazette earlier today.

“He said that he thought it was the correct decision at the time, but now realises it was an over-reaction.”

Franck Queudrue’s 87 minute goal meant that Bone’s controversial decision supplied West Ham with three points instead of one.

“The bottom line is that the result stands and we’ve ended up with nothing from a game we did not lose.

“We scored one goal and West Ham scored one goal”.

Sunday’s controversial decision as well Newcastle’s disallowed goal last week has once again stirred up the debate about video evidence in matches.

McClaren said although there is nothing that can be done now hopefully there are lessons to be learned from it.

“We have the technology to eradicate the mistakes; I sometimes wonder why we don’t use it.”