Gibson The Template?

Last updated : 12 February 2009 By Boro Mad

Gary Johnson: "Steve Gibson at Middlesbrough is a good example of a chairman who stands by his managers.

"People were calling for Bryan Robson's head for a long time and then it was Steve McClaren and now it's Gareth Southgate.

"But the chairman is strong enough to resist outside pressures and do what he thinks is right, and because of that Boro have remained in the Premiership.

"If only more chairmen were like that. There are 92 people qualified to be managers in the Football League, but there are millions of unqualified managers who have an opinion.

"Those people are able to have their say in the media, on the terraces or in phone-ins on the radio, and they are not shy of saying what they think.

"Club chairmen are bound to hear what is being said, but the problem comes when they allow it to influence their judgement.

"You only have to look at the top of the Premier League to see how it works. Sir Alex Ferguson and Arsene Wenger have been at Manchester United and Arsenal for a long time and both clubs have benefited from that stability."