Boro Will Not Become A 'Leeds United'!
Last updated : 26 January 2009 By Boro Mad

We all know the situation Leeds United find themselves in, and it was all down to throwing money - they obviously didn't have - at every problem.
Southampton are the latest 'big' club facing ruin, knowing they are not far away from going to the wall.
Gareth Southgate: "I am aware of the finances of the club.
"I don't know if the debt is a burden but we had to change the way we operate, we have had to reduce the wage bill enormously.
"I was not told that in the discussion when I was given the job but we have to be realistic.
"Banks are going to change how they work over the next few years and football isn't going to have the same credit it had in the past.
"We have to run a tighter business. Times change. It was different before. When Bryan Robson was here we moved to a new stadium. That, and the training ground, are some of the reasons for the debt but they are great for the club, to bring in players.
"The club had great success in those times. It was not money thrown away. It put the club on the map and it was the most fantastic time for the fans.
"The supporters will also feel we were Uefa Cup finalists but, again, the circumstances of the club are completely different.
"You can't say we are in a stronger position. We couldn't continue to run it that way.
"We are going at it from a more realistic financial position, one which will hopefully keep the club going.
"We have to try to get results at the same time. It is difficult because most others are going the other way with their finance.
"I don't knock the opportunities that were here before but I have to deal with the resulting finances that are here now and the task I have been given.
"I am not envious. Mark Hughes has millions but he has served his time with Blackburn and I have been handed a great opportunity. You don't get everything in life how you want it.
"You want to be a manager, you want to be in the Premier League. Every club will have issues.
"That is the reality of the situation of where we are. Two teams around us have just spent £30m.
"It is tough. But there's no question we can drive the club forward."