Boro tighten security for big kick-off

Last updated : 11 August 2005 By MFC Press Release

All 20 Premiership clubs have responded to the recent terrorist attacks in London by increasing safety measures, and supporters are asked to arrive at games in plenty of time so that the necessary searches can take place without fans missing kick off.

Fans are also requested NOT to bring bags and rucksacks, as these will further delay entry to the stadium.

Operations Manager Terry Tasker said: “We would urge fans to arrive in plenty of time so that we can carry out all the necessary procedures – including searches at the turnstiles – but not cause people to miss any of the match.

“Recent events have caused all businesses to look seriously at their safety procedures, and, following a review and discussions with Cleveland Police, we are introducing extra security measures.

“We would also ask supporters not to bring bags or rucksacks as this will only add extra delays to their access.”

He added: “The measures will be widespread and thorough, and will remain for the foreseeable future.”

Saturday’s game against Liverpool kicks off at 5.15pm.

Tickets are still available for the game from the Riverside ticket office and the MFC Retail store in Middlesbrough town centre.