Boro boys star for England

Last updated : 15 October 2005 By Reggie Holdsworth
The Boro youngsters combined to give England the lead against Wales in Telford. With 22 minutes gone, Porritt was set away down the left and crossed for Franks to steal in at the near post and bundle the ball into the net.

England had a 1-0 advantage at the break but that was soon doubled with the goal of the game. Porritt was once again the provider as he headed a long clearance into the path of Franks, who steadied himself and unleashed an unstoppable shot into the top corner from 20 yards.

The Boro youngsters caused the Welsh problems every time they had the ball, give tham a couple of years and we could see the names of Franks and Porritt pushing for a first team place.

Ashley Chambers and Danny Rose made it comfortable for England with two more goals. Wales missed a late penalty as England ran-out 4-0 winners.