Alkmaar ticket allocation not a surprise

Last updated : 12 October 2005 By Reggie Holdsworth
The estimated 2-3k Boro fans heading for Amsterdam will have a <1-in-5 chance of getting a ticket. Boro announced today that only 408 tickets would be available for Boro fans.

The official AZ website states that the capacity of the "bezoekersvak" (visitors section) is 840, so I was a little disappointed but not surprised at the size of the allocation.

The dilemma for Boro fans is should they make the trip to Alkmaar or watch the game in Amsterdam. There is a rumour that two large screens are to be erected in Alkmaar's main square but it has yet to be confirmed.

Tickets are available on the internet for around £100 a pair, but these will inevitably be in the home end, and there is no guarentee that the tickets are genuine.

There are still over 10k season ticket holders with 'S' and 'T' prefixes. Can the club narrow the qualification by calling all ex-Ayresome Park Season ticket holders? Does the actual Patron No. have any significance?

I'm sure the distribution of Alkmaar tickets will be an interesting test for the ticket office. Lets hope that it's done well in advance and in the most appropriate and fair manner.